
Mike’s Beef Jerky, Sky Seafood/ Transmutation

Come and do a tour of 3 amazing businesses in the Robe industrial area. Mike’s Beef Jerky is naturally wood smoked and retains much of its natural moisture. Come and find out about Mike and Cindy’s  story to bring the best beef jerky to their customers.

 Join Andrew for a factory tour of Sky Seafoods, Robe’s only live lobster exporter, where you will be shown lobsters cohabitating in the tanks and find out how they are  processed live or cooked in the factory. Discover their retail outlet too.

Meet Brad and Narelle and discover their wealth of knowledge and passion for the environment, where a degree in chemistry is actively helping the community by creating innovative products from a wide variety of waste plastics. Reduce, re-use and recycle! Check out the amazing variety of repurposed products in the store.

Participants need: none