
How to make money from your digital camera or mobile phone and have fun at the same time.

Photographer/adventurer Fran West has had years of experience of selling her digital photos in various formats to a worldwide market.

Learn how to make money from your digital photos on Print On Demand websites like CafePress, Redbubble and Zazzle, and your videos on YouTube. 

This is not a get rich quick scheme, there are no guarantees of success, and hard work, persistence and consistency are still required.

However, it costs nothing to set up a shop on the Print On Demand websites and after reaching the required payment threshold, commission payments are deposited into your PayPal account. There’s no physical stock to look after, all the behind-the-scenes work is done by the POD websites and your photos can be making money while you’re sleeping or travelling – ideal. Stand-alone videos and videos created from digital photos can also be uploaded for free to YouTube. This is a longer path to take unless you’re lucky enough to have a video go viral. 

For both these online platforms you have a global audience for your view of the world even though you may live on a rural property, in a small country town or in a regional city.

Participants Need:

Paper and pens or tablets/computers.